Promotional Positions In Manufacturing Industries

Some people join the manufacturing industries as low level employees doing the basic grunt work. They also stay there for the rest of their lives. In today’s society, man or woman is measured by how they advance in their professional lives as much as their personal lives which means that someone who chooses to remain in one position all their lives do not have much social currency. Blue collar jobs like construction, manufacturing and others seem as though they have fewer opportunities for career advancement than others. The truth, however, is that there are plenty of opportunities – if you know how to get them. Here are some of the steps in the corporate ladder you might think about climbing with the right credentials:

Site Manager
Managerial and assistant managerial positions are the most obvious ‘next step up’ after worker status. To get there however, you will need your qualifications; the big boys up in the decision making chairs usually want to see cert IV building and construction or higher before they give you the white hard hat. As a site manager not only do you have to know the jobs of everyone on site, you are also responsible for the safety and life of everyone working there. It is a stressful but rewarding job if you can handle it. Good site managers manage to work on schedule, keep everyone safe and even find ways to benefit their bosses, meaning they in turn get rewards and recognition for a job well done too.

Building Inspector
 As a building inspector you will need to travel around with potential buyers, clients etc. to ensure that the building they are going to purchase or is having built on their land is structurally sound and functional. To do so you will require additional knowledge and experience to what you would have had on the lower rungs of the ladder. As an inspector you now have an obligation to oust any subpar construction workers if they have done a shoddy job, starting with checking their builders registration courses Melbourne or any state they live and work in.

Advisory Committee
In big companies that handle multiple multi-million dollar projects, there is something called cert iv plumbing in Melbourne for every project, comprised of individuals that represent every facet of constructing and finishing a building. These are usually seasoned veterans of construction and they know and understand the industry. Getting there is tough but members of an advisory committee are respected as those who have paid their dues and make decisions that reflect their experience. Some do lose touch with the day to day reality of ground level workers but the best of them usually stay connected to their roots and perform as expected.

Writen by Kirk Stiffler